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Central Alabama Firearms Training (CAFT) is a group of highly trained, certified instructors who focus on providing safe, effective, and affordable firearms and personal security training. Our goal is to develop YOUR skills to assist you in protecting yourself and your loved ones. We are dedicated to the rights granted to every law-abiding citizen of the United States by the Second Amendment.
We offer a wide variety of training from novice to expert levels. All training is performed by patient, highly qualified, Certified Instructors dedicated to helping others become safe, proficient firearm users. Click on the registration page to see a link to our calendar of upcoming events.
Find the course that fits your needs and register today!
Courses Available
Fundamentals of Concealed Carry
Intermediate Defensive Handgun
Home Firearm Safety
Intro to Handguns
Intro to Rifle
Intro to Shotgun
Intro to Carbine
Personal Protection Outside The Home
Personal Protection In The Home
Refuse To Be A Victim
Unarmed Self-Defense for Women
Unarmed Self-Defense for Women
The seminar includes classroom instruction on a variety of crime prevention strategies, from criminal psychology to automobile crimes to cyber crime. Seminars can vary in length, and may be modified to suit the needs of a particular audience. This is not a firearms instruction course, and does not include instruction in physical combat self-defense.
SIMUNITION® Reality Based Training
The StressVest® system
Civilian Response to Active Shooter
Church Security Training
Central Alabama Firearms Training offers the broadest training available to Church Security Teams in the State of Alabama.
We offer Unarmed to Armed including Simunition Scenario Training. Our Unarmed is taught by 3 seasoned Martial Arts instructors that have taught the public, embassies and consulates throughout the world to college universities. Our armed training is taught by seasoned NRA, Law Enforcement and Military Instructors. We are the only recognized range program by General Dynamics Munitions and Ordinance Simunitions training in the state of Alabama. We offer the Civilian Response to Active Shooter Event free of charge to Churches.